Escape the ordinary and save up to 20% when you book direct. Macdonald Preferred members save an additional 10%!

Self-Catering Resorts in the UK & Spain

Whether you enjoy activity holidays, lazy days on the sand, golf on a spectacular championship golf course or a break amidst glorious scenery, you're sure to find what you're looking for in one of our 9 self-catering accommodation resorts across the UK and Spain. Beach or mountain, Macdonald Resorts has the perfect short break holidays for you.

Kids will love the freedom and fun-packed feel of resort life during a self-catering stay during school holidays - with the option to eat restaurants on site when you want a night off - giving you the flexibility you need to keep everyone happy.

It's home from home, but in a setting that feels like another world.


Family at the Beach

Winter Offer - Save 20%!

Discover stunning staycations at our national park destinations in the UK or jet off to the Costa del Sol in Spain. Our home from home self-catering accommodation ensures you have everything you need. Macdonald Preferred members save an extra 10%!

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Free cancellation up to 7 days before arrival.

Extra perks

Free wi-fi and exclusive discounts on resort and with local attractions.